building a global fleet of virtual power plants
We can revolutionise energy generation and use. Integrating distributed energy resources into grids using Virtual Power Plants quickly creates a larger, cleaner more resilient energy system, at lower cost to utilities, and with huge consumer benefits.
Let’s integrate our renewable energy systems
It’s time for virtual power plants:
On-site solar and storage; electrified cooling, heating and cooking; smart meters supporting export to the grid and on-site energy management; EVs charging buildings and the grid and vice versa. All connected up into Virtual Power Plants.
The challenge: To decarbonize buildings, transport and industry, demand for electricity is projected to more than triple by 2050. Solar and wind power are growing fast but grids can't cope. Permitting delays, the need for additional transmission and distribution capacity and overstretched budgets present huge barriers. Solving these challenges will take decades - time we don't have in the race to stabilize the climate and provide people with reliable and affordable energy. Virtual Power Plants can help.

There is another way.
Designing and deploying renewable energy in Virtual Power Plants ‘on-site, on-road, on-grid’ cuts emissions faster, generates financial benefits for utilities and consumers, and creates flexible, cheaper grids.
Virtual Power Plants allow energy consumers to generate their own renewable energy (on-site) and link it with their electric transport (on-road) as well as the electricity network (on-grid). Homes, shops, factories, car parks and public buildings can all become mini power stations, consuming on-site, feeding into mobile power stations (vehicles) and the grid, as well as storing energy. The overall effect? To massively reduce the need for grid capacity while still delivering for people and planet.
For utilities, Virtual Power Plants are the cost and capital efficient choice.
Our mission is to make this a reality. Together with our network of partners, we provide advice, support deployments and advocate for change.
Call to Action:
Realizing an energy system of billions of mini power stations all contributing to faster emissions reductions requires access to grids, advice, affordable finance, and attractive tariffs and contracts
Policy Makers
Develop policies for grid access, tariffs and the renumeration of grid operators, set standards for inter-operability and support the provision of advice to energy consumers. Engage with banks to blend finance for consumer renewable adoption.
Civil Society Organisations
Provide independent advice to consumers and advocate on their behalf for a fairer, cleaner energy deal.
Offer preferential financing for consumer adoption of renewables and capitalise Virtual Power Plant businesses. Engage with governments to blend finance for consumer renewable adoption.
Energy Suppliers
Develop Virtual Power Plants and offer customers tariffs and contracts that incentivise the adoption, sharing and saving of renewable energy.
Energy Consumers
Become a proactive energy consumer, adopt renewables and demand a fairer, cleaner energy future.
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If you have news updates to share, or are interested in our work, you can send us a message using the form below.