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What is a virtual power plant?

A virtual power plant is a network of energy devices, like rooftop solar, batteries and EVs, that are pooled together to serve the grid. With participants approval the devices can be called on by system operators to share, reduce and store electricity. VPPs are capital and cost-efficient choice for utilities, creating new revenue streams that also benefit consumers, while reducing the overall cost of the electricity system.

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Research Aidan McFarlane Research Aidan McFarlane


Nigeria’s electricity demand has surpassed 40 TWh, yet 39% of the population remains without reliable power. As the country seeks sustainable solutions, Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) offer a promising way to stabilize the grid by integrating Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) like solar, wind, and energy storage. A new report, funded by The African Climate Foundation, explores Nigeria’s readiness for VPPs and their potential to transform the energy sector.

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Research Aidan McFarlane Research Aidan McFarlane

VPP Readiness Index

Integrate to Zero (I2Z) and Blunomy designed a Virtual Power Plant (VPP) Readiness Index to assess a country’s readiness for large-scale VPP deployment based on its technical, regulatory and commercial characteristics.

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News Aidan McFarlane News Aidan McFarlane

Solar Asset Mapper

Solar Asset Mapper's (TZ-SAM) algorithms use satellite data to detect small, commercial solar facilities globally. Updated quarterly, the dataset contains over 23,000 km² of solar across 190 countries with a combined, total estimated capacity of 922 GW.

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News Aidan McFarlane News Aidan McFarlane

Heads Explode As Virtual Power Plants Meet Self-Defending Grids

Virtual power plants are spreading across the US, enabling more electricity ratepayers to save money on their utility bills while motivating a shift away from gas appliances. Apparently President Trump hasn’t figured out a way to squash them, but give him a chance. He’ll figure it out. In the meantime, an interesting twist has bubbled up in the form of a new grid concept that launches itself into defensive mode when danger threatens, fending off cyberattacks, natural disasters, and other potential disruptions.

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News Aidan McFarlane News Aidan McFarlane

Bidirectional charging EV batteries could help EU save over $23 billion a year

Storing renewable energy in electric vehicle batteries (EVs) instead of stationary energy storage facilities could help the European Union save over 106.5 billion dollars (100 billion euros) over ten years, according to a European Federation for Transport and Environment (T&E) study. If the intricacies are worked out, EVs could become the fourth-largest electricity supplier in the EU by 2040. 

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Explainers Nadia Smith Explainers Nadia Smith

Rooftop solar Distributed Power Plants: A better way to generate electricity

Connecting a large amount of solar and battery systems together is called a Distributed Power Plant (DPP for short. It’s also called a Virtual Power Plant). You can think of this as a power plant that is in many places at once. Below we’ll explain why they’re needed, how they work, and action you can take to bring them to your community.

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