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What is a virtual power plant?
A virtual power plant is a network of energy devices, like rooftop solar, batteries and EVs, that are pooled together to serve the grid. With participants approval the devices can be called on by system operators to share, reduce and store electricity. VPPs are capital and cost-efficient choice for utilities, creating new revenue streams that also benefit consumers, while reducing the overall cost of the electricity system.
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Rooftop Solar & Virtual Power Plants Take Center Stage As Oil & Gas Wilt
With the addition of energy storage, solar-enabled ratepayers can power their way through an emergency individually with clean kilowatts, and they can also lend a hand collectively by enrolling in a virtual power plant.
For the grid! Utah storage company’s new feature promises resilience through microgrids
A Utah storage company is on the cutting edge of utilizing distributed energy to strengthen the power grid, and today they’re taking another step forward.
Sunrun partners with Tesla for virtual power plant in Texas
US solar power company Sunrun has announced it will expand its support for the energy grid in Texas in partnership with Tesla Electric, a subsidiary of Tesla.
Bidirectional EV charging, VPP bill passes Maryland Assembly, heads to governor’s desk
The DRIVE Act would require utilities to support vehicle-to-grid technology in a distributed energy resource portfolio amid efforts to shore up the congested PJM Interconnection.
IESO announces largest Canadian residential virtual power plant
Canada’s Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) and EnergyHub, a grid-edge flexibility provider, have announced the enrolment of more than 100,000 homes in the Save on Energy Peak Perks programme, calling it the largest residential virtual power plant (VPP) in Canada.
Virtual power plants roll out across the U.S.
Virtual power plants (VPPs) coordinate distributed resources and demand for a more resilient, cost-effective energy transition. And they are gaining traction in the United States.
Virtual power plant coming to Maui and other islands
Energy Conference covers new green energy program with HECO.
Transitioning To A Smarter Grid: Virtual Power Plants
This article is one in a series investigating the importance of modernizing and decarbonizing the electric grid.
EV-Based Virtual Power Plants Shift Peak Load and Save Money
A recent study found that electric vehicle (EV) batteries used as a utility virtual power plant (VPP) could shift the entire residential peak load to nighttime hours with only 10% EV market saturation.