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What is a virtual power plant?
A virtual power plant is a network of energy devices, like rooftop solar, batteries and EVs, that are pooled together to serve the grid. With participants approval the devices can be called on by system operators to share, reduce and store electricity. VPPs are capital and cost-efficient choice for utilities, creating new revenue streams that also benefit consumers, while reducing the overall cost of the electricity system.
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2024 Market Monitor for Demand Side Flexibility
The 2024 Market Monitor for demand-side flexibility (DSF) is a report of smartEn in collaboration with LCP Delta. This flagship publication provides a high-level summary of demand-side flexibility (DSF) participation across 30 European markets, benchmarking their progress in enabling flexible demand in a market-based way.
A flexible power grid: what is it and why do we need it?
If we are to electrify the world in a way that is socioeconomically efficient and secure, we need a flexible power grid. But why?