About Us

Providing essential support, collaboration and action

Integrate to Zero is a not-for-profit (philanthropic) global initiative bringing together civil society, governments and businesses to create Virtual Power Plants across the globe for the benefit of consumers, utilities and the climate.

Together with our partners WE…

By integrating renewable energy solutions into Virtual Power Plants, we can break down siloes and enhance collaboration locally and globally. It is not a ‘on’ versus ‘off-grid but about optimal contributions of centralised and distributed energy sources in integrated Virtual Power Plants through which energy can flow dynamically.

From research to policies and technology demonstrations, our partners are already delivering a blueprint for how consumer renewable energy systems can be integrated into Virtual Power Plants.

Provide Advice

  • To governments and public agencies on policy

  • To businesses on commercial models, technology and finance

  • To consumers on procurement, finance and technology

Support Deployment

Of Virtual Power Plants and ‘first of-a-kind’ technology and business models for the integrated systems that underpin them

Advocate for Change

To policies and finance needed to deliver a better, cleaner deal for consumers across the world