Empowering Communities with Solar Energy: The Impact of the Sawa Citi Supermarket Project

In the pursuit of sustainable development, the Government of Rwanda has set an ambitious target to achieve 100% energy access by the end of 2024. To realize this goal, various initiatives have been implemented, including the Electric Access Rollout Program (EARP) and the Renewable Energy Fund (REF). One exemplary project that showcases the transformative power of solar energy is the collaboration between Solektra Rwanda Limited and Sawa Citi Supermarket in Kigali. This blog post delves into the profound impact of this project on the community, highlighting the benefits of clean energy adoption and its potential for scalability.

Bringing Solar Power to Sawa Citi Supermarket: Integrate to Zero’s partner Solektra, a trusted provider of solar energy solutions in Rwanda, has designed and installed a grid-connected 20KW solar energy system with a 10kw battery backup for Sawa Citi Supermarket with 2 e-motorbikes for grocery delivery. This innovative project aimed to demonstrate the integrated energy savings potential for one of the largest supermarkets in Rwanda and raise awareness about the advantages of adopting integrated solar energy in commercial buildings and transportation

Energy Cost Savings and Reliability: The installation of the 20KW solar PV system has had a significant impact on Sawa Citi Supermarket's operations. With the system generating between 50kWh to 90kWh of electricity daily, the supermarket is able to save over 600 USD annually in electricity costs. Moreover, the produced electricity is 20% cheaper than grid electricity, providing substantial long-term savings. The reliability of the solar system is further enhanced by the 10KW battery backup, ensuring uninterrupted power supply during outages. By connecting critical loads to the battery, including senior management offices and operational teams, Sawa Citi has mitigated the impact of power disruptions and improved business continuity.

Addressing Technical Challenges: The project faced its fair share of challenges, such as unstable voltage and technical capacity limitations. However, through collaboration with the national utility, these issues were identified and resolved. The government's involvement in addressing the low voltage problem highlights their commitment to supporting clean energy initiatives. Sawa Citi's decision to upgrade its electrical wiring and invest in voltage regulators further emphasizes the supermarket's dedication to a sustainable and reliable energy infrastructure.

Promoting Clean Transportation: In addition to the solar energy system, the project incorporated an e-mobility component. Two electric motorcycles were procured to promote clean transportation for product deliveries, reducing the dependence on petroleum-based fuels. Although there were initial delays in finding electric motorcycles that could be charged on-site, the project's intention to raise awareness about the benefits of clean transportation remains paramount. The electric motorcycles are expected to yield cost savings of 250 USD per year and serve as a testament to the potential for greener transportation solutions.

Knowledge Sharing and Scalability: The success of the Sawa Citi Supermarket project has attracted the attention of various stakeholders. University students, such as those from Heriot-Watt University and the Development Bank of Rwanda (BRD), have shown interest in understanding the project's setup and scalability. BRD, in particular, aims to develop new product lines that can assist businesses in increasing energy savings and reliability. The project's impact extends beyond Sawa Citi, inspiring others to explore the possibilities of clean energy adoption and its socioeconomic benefits.

Conclusion: The collaboration between Solektra Rwanda Limited and Sawa Citi Supermarket exemplifies the transformative power of solar energy. Through the installation of a 20KW solar energy system and the integration of electric motorcycles, the project has not only resulted in significant energy cost savings but also raised awareness about clean energy adoption in commercial settings. By showcasing the benefits of renewable energy, this project has paved the way for future scalability


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