Latest Report

Market research into Nigeria’s Manufacturing Value Chain for Solar PV technologies


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Suppliers Database

Integrate to Zero is pleased to present a directory of service providers and contractors. Our team has selected and compiled a list of companies based on their description of market offerings. The table below covers the range of technologies and services that are important for an integrated approach to distributed energy systems.

Please note that the listed companies may offer additional services or work with technologies beyond what is displayed in the table. Integrate to Zero does not ourselves recommend or endorse any of the contractors, persons or companies listed here, and cannot be held responsible if your choice does not meet your particular requirements or expectations. These companies listed have come to our attention from desk-based research and stakeholder engagement.

The following companies are not listed in any particular order and it is recommended you conduct your own research before choosing anyone to do work for you.

We will actively update this list to reflect the latest information. Input and feedback is welcome. If you have any contributions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us at

United Kingdom




Flagship Reports

Integrate Zero: Identifying opportunities



MAY 2023


Policies for on-site, on-road, on-grid distributed energy resource integration

Cornwall Insights

MARCH 2023

Carbon and cost reduction opportunities from integrated energy in GB

JUNE 2023

Carbon Trust

Integrate to Zero: Interoperability of distributed energy resources: Benefits, challenges, and solutions



Commercial consumer energy systems: An analysis of market pricing and supply, and opportunities for increasing adoption



Market research into Nigeria’s Manufacturing Value Chain for Solar PV technologies


JULY 2023

Assessment of the potential for rooftop solar electricity generation in Nigeria